Wednesday, October 8, 2008

what's that???

i keep seeing  a little grey fatty sausage sneaking around in the shadows.
here's a reminder.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

more of the same

who are you gonna vote for? the one who brings more of the same or the one who brings more of the same. what a joke. do they think we're that stupid. perhaps we are.

is this bailout for real? a bigger joke. they walk with the money after walking with the money. fantastic. sometimes i rant about how absurd it is that these owner keep the profits and the taxpayers pick up the debt. think i'll start a business.

i see california and the terminator need 7 billion dollars to keep themselves afloat. aren't they also too big to fail. can the govt afford to refuse? i mean with the amount of federal tax dollars generated in that state, what if the us says no? california secedes? and what about all the other states?

what a disaster.

and then we sit here wondering if america is coming apart. the banks are failing. jobs. inflation. lack of leadership. the media barely reports that this is also happening in the rest of the world.

where is all the money? doesn't exist. where is $770 billion dollars coming from? i doubt there is enough money to cover the old FDIC amounts of 100 thousand let alone 250. pumping more cash or credit into this mess only prolongs the agony and continues to line the pockets of those who helped get us here.

the system is broken. can't be fixed. we need to start over. learn from mistakes. something different. it won't be easy. but it can be better.