Monday, December 8, 2008

three way

That sure was an amazing sight.   And after seeing all the pics posted online (even the APOD) and not being all that impressed, I thought I would share mine.  

Thanks for stopping by...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

i must recant

So, while taking some pictures of the moon/venus/jupiter lineup i stumbled across an interesting effect with the camera.  Take a look for yourself.

Needless to say this is not a ufo.  This is the planet Jupiter out of focus with a digital camera. Nice.  So, I suppose that stuff floating around the tether could indeed be space dirt.  It sure does look amazing though.

Still doesn't explain the artwork...

Friday, November 7, 2008

shine on

in memory of a most influential musician.  undoubtedly, his sounds will carry on.   one of his early compositions.  rip rick.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

ufos and renaissance art

so i saw a nasa video showing the space shuttle releasing a probe with a large tether.  i find it strange no one really talks about the strange behavior of the "debris flying with us".  wtf is that stuff moving around out there?  looks crazy.  bizarre.  organic.  hmmm.  here's the video.

a couple days later i happened to think about some of the "ufos" in renaissance art.  strangely enough a lot of them appear to have the same organic structure.  like a jellyfish or or some single celled organism.  take a look at these examples.


strange. a lot of imagery relating to jc. another item of notice is how some people in the artwork seem to notice these things in the sky while others are completely oblivious.  these are just a few examples i pulled from the web.  there are many more.  including cave art and other rock inscriptions around the world.

i don't know what to think.  
but it certainly makes me think.

Obama won the election, which means the beginning of the end because he is the antichrist.

i think this pretty much says it all

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

what's that???

i keep seeing  a little grey fatty sausage sneaking around in the shadows.
here's a reminder.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

more of the same

who are you gonna vote for? the one who brings more of the same or the one who brings more of the same. what a joke. do they think we're that stupid. perhaps we are.

is this bailout for real? a bigger joke. they walk with the money after walking with the money. fantastic. sometimes i rant about how absurd it is that these owner keep the profits and the taxpayers pick up the debt. think i'll start a business.

i see california and the terminator need 7 billion dollars to keep themselves afloat. aren't they also too big to fail. can the govt afford to refuse? i mean with the amount of federal tax dollars generated in that state, what if the us says no? california secedes? and what about all the other states?

what a disaster.

and then we sit here wondering if america is coming apart. the banks are failing. jobs. inflation. lack of leadership. the media barely reports that this is also happening in the rest of the world.

where is all the money? doesn't exist. where is $770 billion dollars coming from? i doubt there is enough money to cover the old FDIC amounts of 100 thousand let alone 250. pumping more cash or credit into this mess only prolongs the agony and continues to line the pockets of those who helped get us here.

the system is broken. can't be fixed. we need to start over. learn from mistakes. something different. it won't be easy. but it can be better.